The Parental Leave Act

The Parental Leave Act (Föräldraledighetslagen) regulates the right of employees to leave connected to parenthood. While the most notable situations in which parental leave is applicable are those surrounding the birth or adoption of a child, there are other situations covered by the law. For example, reduction of normal working hours until, in most cases, the child has reached the age of eight (part-time parental leave without parental benefits) is covered, as is leave for the temporary care of a child.  

The rights granted by the Parental Leave Act cannot be denied by an agreement between the employer and employee – such an agreement would be invalid. However, collective agreements may allow deviations from the Act on specific issues, such as notice of leave and return. You can contact your local trade union for more information.

You can find the official text of the law here and an unofficial English translation here.